Sunday 6 May 2012

Here We Are in Canada

Three Brothers
We hung around Miraflores neighborhood of Lima for our last two days scouring the market for textiles and
goodies and did not leave empty handed.Our flight left the city at 2 am, but we got to the airport early enough to deal with surfboard transport problems if they arose. To our surprise we didn't have any trouble sending the boards and we hopped on board our flight foot loose and fancy free and ready to start the trip back home. We got to Vancouver the next afternoon and were greeted by Iain's brothers Erik and Doug and spent the evening with them. Iain was glad to reconnect with them en route back to Whitehorse and happy to distribute some presents (including the creepiest festival masks I've seen in a while).

Airport pick-up
 The next day we arrived in Whitehorse shell-shocked but unscathed. Since then we have been readjusting to the lack of garbage and drinking tap water. We both felt a bit spacey getting used to the old life but are gearing up for a summer of work and are looking forward to topping up the bank accounts! We are also looking ahead to a beautiful Yukon summer with friends and family. In particular I am looking forward to using an oven, gardening, running and doing some yoga. In the fall we will think about what future adventures we should pursue. Right now we are considering another winter move to keep surfing and get a change of pace. 

Dads with their Chilean wine from Iris and Emeterio 

Parents happy to see their children

Thanks for reading and sharing our amazing experiences in South America with us!